We welcome referrals from our Community Care Physicians’ (CCP) network and also non-CCP community providers. Thank you for trusting us with your patients’ infusions. As a reminder, we infuse the medications but do not directly manage your patients’ conditions. Contact us for more information or for any questions.

To refer a patient for infusion:

For non-CCP providers: complete the below and fax as directed with the requested information.

  • Complete infusion order, including current patient demographics.
  • Attach a copy of insurance information prescription/medical card(s), front and back.
  • Provide most updated clinical progress notes, labs, tests, or imaging supporting primary diagnosis.
  • Provide details of tried and failed medications, respective treatment duration, and reason for discontinuation.

For CCP providers: please complete the referral process in our shared electronic health record.

To ensure a smooth infusion process, we kindly request the following from ordering providers:

  • Evaluation of patient for therapy appropriateness
  • Orders for infused medication (internal and external paths)
  • Obtain and evaluate pre-infusion lab values
  • Orders for pre-infusion medications
  • Obtain and attach informed consent from the patient
  • Corresponding follow-ups after the infusion
  • If off-label indication, include a letter of medical necessity with progress note

ALL Orders

  • Signed Consent: A signed consent is needed for any patient being referred to the infusion center. The consent for the medication and treatment is good for 1 year.
  • Approval / Anaphylaxis Protocol: The referral order will ask you to approve the medications included in the Infusion Center protocol.
  • Dosage and Frequency: This must be indicated in the order.

Order Prerequisites:

For Actemra, Benlysta, Cimza, Entyvio, Ocrevus, Orencia, Saphnelo, Simponi Aria, Skyrizi and Stelara

  • Hepatitis B non-reactive
  • Hepatitis C non-reactive
  • Tuberculosis screening – negative

For Evenity, Prolia, Zoledronic Acid

  • Dexa completed in the last 3 years
  • Serum CA WNL within 30 days
  • CrCL > 25ml/min
  • Serum 25-hydroxy vitamin D > 30ng/ml

For Ocrevus, Remicade, Renflexis, Rituxan, and Ruxience 

  • Hepatitis B non-reactive
  • Hepatitis C non-reactive
  • Tuberculosis screening – negative and

Indications of dosage for the following: diphenhydramine, methylprednisolone and acetaminephen

Order Prerequisites Table